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The Weekly AD:VENTURE - Online Networking

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Unlimited spaces

Created for us by the lovely folks at Meeow Online Networking, this session is ideal for AD:VENTURE clients both past and present. Designed to let you share experiences, support one another with advice and knowledge and make introductions to people who can help you in your business journeys.

What's different about Meeow?

Meeow Online Networking allows an infinite number of networkers to join each session and matches attendees into rooms of no more than 4, so you all have a chance to introduce yourself, talk about the things that interest you and, of course the kind of people you'd like to be introduced to, in depth . That's real networking. New connections guiding you in the right direction.

Its perfect for newbies who are a bit nervous about networking – It’s not all sell sell sell – It’s about supporting and sharing with peers in a safe space. Meeow Online Networking enables that with lot’s of easy to use features that give you secret prompts and little nudges to keep those conversations flowing. It’s a perfect place to get started and meet new people!

These online networking sessions will run at the same time every week, so you'll always have the chance to grow your network in an easy, automated meeting space.

Take some time to check out the other networking opportunities on the Meeow Online Networking platform too. Our sessions are designed to build connections across our start up community in West Yorkshire, but there are loads of opportunities for you to get topic focussed and even go global with your Meeow networking.

Make sure you let other AD:VENTURE clients or new business owners know about this online networking opportunity and you can maximise the number of people you have a chance to meet on every session.

How to join in:

• Register: Sign up to become our latest Meeowist and complete your profile, just like on Linkedin.

• Book onto this Meeow Online Networking event and find other Meeows on subjects you're interested in and areas of the world you want to reach, even if it's your own city.

• Repeat and Expand: Our events are recurring, allowing you to consistently expand your network and reap the benefits of ongoing connections.

• If you don't find the subjects or locations you're interested in, tell us the Meeows you'd like us to create for you here

• Tell all your colleagues and friends about Meeow Online Networking and help us create a world changing platform that will help you grow every day

Unlock Limitless Possibilities:
Elevate your networking game with Meeow Online Networking. Say goodbye to traditional networking and embrace the future. Secure your spot now and dive into a world of connections, collaborations, and career growth!

Join the Conversation. Connect with Success. Register Now!

Users profile picture
So many of the connections I’ve made on Meeow have turned into really great business relationships…
Anna Iveson, Wordistry, United Kingdom

What to expect
in a Meeow?


Q: How often can I attend AD:VENTURE Networking on Meeow?
See answer
Q: How do I get involved with Meeow’s AD:VENTURE Networking?
See answer
Q: How many networkers can Meeow handle every hour?
See answer
Q: Why do networkers meet in group of just 4 on Meeow?
See answer
Q: Does a Meeow networking meeting have a host?
See answer

Tell your network about networking on Meeow

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33 Park Place, Leeds, LS1 2JR

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